

Film | Theater | Documentary & Advertisement Composition

Billed Per Minute of Music

Film | Theater | Documentary & Advertisement Composition

Liam Pitcher

Documentary & Advertisement Music Examples

Time + Tide Media - A 60 Second Journey

Time + Tide Media - 60 Second Luxury

Theater Music Example

Terror: Your Verdict (OST) by Liam Pitcher

Composed for the South African premiere of the international play Terror: Your Verdict. This drama involved the court trial of a fighter pilot who chose to take the lives of 164 people in order to save the lives of 70 000. At the end of each performance, the audience would vote guilty or not guilty - hence the title. More than 450 000 people have voted worldwide.

Film Music Examples

Moment by the Ocean

My piece titled 'Moment by the Ocean' is a diverse exploration of the fusion of film music with experimental electronic music, as well as the integration of sound design as an instrumental accompaniment.


'Lustreless' is an expressive improvisation for solo synth, which displays a diverse array of moods.

Session at the Baxter Theater

These three short piano works are all expressively diverse, and highlight a different side of my compositional style.

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